Spatial Web Hypergraphs
The IEEE Spatial Web draft standard uses hypergraphs to model physical entities in hyperspace and time. Here are three questions and replies about the Spatial Web use of hypergraphs:
1. "Have you considered a meta-relationship of entities as a means for global conflation across all of these spaces (see figure below) and discrete data sources?"
The Spatial Web address the relationships between the types of hyperspaces. For example, how to embed geo-space into an N-dimensional space, where the extra dimensions are attributes for semantic spaces.
One approach to embedding geospace into hyperspace is the use of cellular space. DGGSs define cellular space for geospatial. The DGGS cellular space is a graph network which is then a hypergraph. Then queries and operations can be performed on the hypergraph which includes geospace.
2. "continuous monitoring framework that tracks entity inferences drawn from data agnostic sources. Entities of any kind and scale are continuously monitored via a knowledge graph rather discrete data, like streaming video from a drone. "
Entity identities using SWIDs/DIDs are key to Spatial Web. Spatial Web IDs (SWIDs) using Distributed IDentifiers as defined by W3C. Inference of one way to attach a SWID to a real world entity.
"Activity" is a top-level entity in HSML - the modeling language of Spatial Web. SW Activities are a collection of actions by identified entities. Activities are modeled as graphs.
Drone operations with Spatial Web HSML was demonstrated by Verses as shown about half way through this video.
3. "By transforming the emphasis from data and metadata protocols to a more holistic entity knowledge graphs, autonomous behaviors can be encouraged to emerge from AI avatars because noisy data is replaced with more focused entity behaviors."
The Spatial Web provides context for AI and autonomous agents using knowledge graphs.
For a comprehensive perspective see this presentation by Gabriel Rene
The Spatial Web draft standard includes several types of spaces as shown in the figure below